

Our petri dish of education, innovation and family. Play > Think > Build > Break > Learn. Opportunities are found. Ideas are brought to life.

The Garden


writing + design + marketing

Exploring unique opportunities in publishing at the intersection of kids, education, technology, design, entrepreneurship.


fashion design + wearable tech

Exploring unique opportunities in clothing through design, materials, fabrication and embedded technology.


apps + digital platforms + blockchain

Exploring unique opportunities in education around behavior modification, gamification, apps and blockchain.

The Playground


analog + digital + product

Research, copy, paste, sketch, idea, digital, change, sketch… Design is a process. Doing makes you better. There is no try.


lego wedo + lego mindstorms

Robots come in all forms, sizes and functions… and will eventually take your job. Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.


arduino + IoT + wearables

Embedded everywhere. Reporting on all. From IoT to wearables, electronics is the new tool of creativity and innovation.


estes builds + custom printed

Explosions, parachutes, payloads, sensors and micro cameras. Rocketry is as fun as it is educational. We’re aiming for Mars.


design + 3d printing + cnc milling

Manufacturing is moving from China to your home. We design and print toys, drone parts, rockets and more. Think it, make it.


wireless + network + web

Don’t pick up USB drives. Turn off wireless. Don’t open that email. We’re learning by doing… look out for pineapples, turtles and rubber duckys.


chemistry + biology + geology

It’s how our world turns. Not just measuring and observing, but building the tools we measure and observe with. Slightly dangerous, mega-fun.


recycled pallets + power tools

We love re-working old, recycled pallets… turning them from worn-out freight movers into meaningful (and sometimes interactive) works of art.


for everything outside the boxes...

For all the things we do that don’t fall under one of the above. Use your imagination. Get outside the box.

Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.
