Maxsim Diesel’s first Arduino… wish I had one when I was 5. Anyway, we’ll be working through the Arduino Projects Book together.
Maxsim’s first circuit.
Red pill (me) or blue pill (Maxsim)? Basic circuit training done, tomorrow we start Spaceship Interface project.
Spaceship Interface with Systems Ready + Hyperdrive Engage + Launch Button
Ingredients: Switch, Green & Red LEDs, 220 OHM Resistors, 10 KILOHM Resistors
Love-O-Meter (aka Cupiduino)… with a side of Vampire oxymoron.
Ingredients: LEDs, 220 OHM Resistors, Temperature Sensor
Color Mixing Lamp
Mood Cue
Light Theremin
Keyboard Instrument
Digital Hourglass
Motorized Pinwheel
Crystal Ball
Knock Lock
Touchy-Feely Lamp
Tweak The Arduino Logo
Hacking Buttons