

There are no ceilings or boundaries for a growth mindset. Become problem seekers, opportunity finders and solution builders. Don't let others define your world... make the future.

Pathway to Purpose


is tomorrow's innovation

Play is exploration, imagination and problem solving. We are all born with this natural curiosity – unafraid of failure and full of imagination. Most of us, however, start losing our curiosity early on as structure, definition and “learning” sets in. This shouldn’t be the case.


is the drive to keep doing

Passion is found in the things that truly interest us. It’s important to find things that truly interest our kids early on, through encouraging and observing play across many mediums. Discovering passion early gives meaning to the learning ahead. Work doesn’t have to be a job.


is the ingredient to make change

Purpose is our “Why” – making a difference, changing lives or changing the world. Purpose gives meaning to your passion and naturally increases your drive to explore and learn all the things required to make your mark. Our future is in desperate need of change-makers.

Bias Toward Learning


question everything

Question everything. Don’t just accept the world’s definition of things… always ask how and why.


think differently

How could you do it differently? How could you make it better? Think for yourself… ask what-if.


make your ideas

Doing is learning. Sketch it, code it, 3d print it, build a prototype. Turn your thoughts into things.


learn by doing

True knowledge comes from our experiences. The more you do, the more you learn. Do more.

Lean-Agile Mindset


collaboration + user stories

From building digital products to improving team performance, early communication and collaboration is key. Building shared understanding across a team is critical to success and learning.


kanban + team sprints

Break projects and to-dos into smaller chunks. Re-prioritize the small chunks weekly. Visualize your current work for others to see.  Limit your work-in-progress and get things done.


team planning + retrospectives

Accountability to oneself and others working toward shared goals is critical for growth. Team culture and processes should promote accountability. What gets measured gets done… and improved.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Mahatma Ghandi